The Claims Detectives is an Atlanta based public adjustment corporation with plans to serve the greater Atlanta area with its initial launch. Atlanta is recognized as the 35th largest economy in the world with weather conditions creating massive property damage claims against insurance companies. The Claims Detectives image and brand building campaign will inform property owners to step back and allow professional, licensed, bonded, commission based Claims Detectives public adjuster representation of their property claims against their insurance companies.
Atlanta will serve as the nationwide Claims Detective’s operational hub. The Claims Detectives Atlanta hub staff of in-house employee insurance attorneys, accountants and claims settlement specialists focusing on relieving local public adjusters from the heavy lifting of negotiating and settling each claim is projected to result in faster and larger claim settlements for the property owners.
The Claims Detectives projected 200 office national expansion plan begins at the Atlanta hub with growth projected by adding offices and public adjuster employees in increments of 100 miles from Atlanta growing in a logical geographic pattern. Growth requires expanded image and branding campaigns using traditional local media, like “Give The Claims Detectives 15 minutes and you could receive 550% more on your property damage claim opposed to doing it yourself” as well as outsourced services of innovative crowd marketing campaigns informing and building a nationwide property owner customer base.